derek heisler photography

Fallout 4 Wallpapers


With the release of Fallout 4, I wanted to share some of my own adventures into the US Pre-wasteland. These areas exist today, but very much feel like they are a part of the Fallout universe. So to celebrate the release here are some wallpapers to use on your personal computers. They come in two flavours; 1920x1080 and 1920x1200. Please download them from the link below.

Enjoy and watch out for those super mutants!


Download the wallpapers here

Make sure to signup for the newsletter to receive other cool stuff like this.

Jerome, Arizona

Jerome, Arizona the largest ghost town in the United States of America. I've been to my share of ghost towns and Jerome is by far the most interesting/spooky. Founded in the late nineteenth century for it's rich copper mines. At Jerome's peak it had a population of 10,000. Much has changed since those prosperous mining days. 

Clearly we are scared.

Clearly we are scared.

Editorial - SOL


Light and dark. Polar opposites that require many shades of bending and blending to reach either end of the spectrum. The day night cycle of Sol (our sun) follows this practice. Like the rising and setting of a sun, our lives and personalities find themselves in the same such dance. Between light and dark, the Soul finds itself. We transform as we grow, and every new experience either drives us closer to light or dark. Some need to experience true darkness before they realize the importance of the light. Others shine brightly to lead the way for others. What side do you find yourself on?

Photography - Derek Heisler
Model - Patience Silva
Creative Direction - Derek Heisler
Assistant CD - Bekka Gunther
Wardrobe Design - Derek Heisler and Bekka Gunther
Makeup - Marissa Vossen
Location - Santa Clarita, Califorina 

Also published for 1968 Magazine and Stellar

TEDxYYC Campaign

I wanted to share a very cool campaign I recently worked on with WAX and DDG. The idea for this year’s TEDxYYC was Where Ideas Mix.

To achieve that we set out to make dripping mannequin heads which would appear to be dripping into each other… ideas mixing.. you’re getting it now.

It was amazingly fun to work on, and was very happy with the resulting stills. Follow below to see the campaign and the amazing video from the guys over at DDG. A few behind the scene shots follow as well.

Wax recently featured the campaign on their blog here

Make sure to check out the credits at the end.




Client: TEDxYYC

Ad Agency: WAX

Creative Director: Trent Burton

Art Director: Brad Connell

Copywriter: Chris Lihou

Production Company: Deluxe Design Group

Director/Camera: Nick Thomas, Chris Krieger

Camera operator: Brock Mitchell

Editor: Brock Mitchell

Post production: Creative Fields

Supers: Greg Marshall

Audio House: Redemption Audio

Music: Mitch Lee

Photographer: Derek Heisler



Chantel Rae Set +


My recent spread with Chantel Rae was published on today. was then hit hard with over 250,000 hits shortly after. Very thankful for the success and response from the set. As always Chantel was a pleasure to work with. 

Make sure to check out the 8 image spread on my site here

Nik Radio Interview w/ Scott Shepard

Recently I had the pleasure/honor to sit down with Scott Shepard of Nik Radio to talk about my photography career to date. We talked tech, my engineering background, the mistress known as photography and how I lost my heart to her. 

Stream it here

Or for you Apple boys and girls;

iTunes Podcast 

I also had a chance to sit down for a separate written interview for Nik’s Pro talk. Check it out here.

Humble Beginnings & Landscapes

I often haven’t told the story of how I got into photography. Did it start with all these beautiful women? Oh god no.

Back in University, second year I believe, I was taking on a few small graphic design projects on the side for some extra cash. I needed a lot of stock imagery, so I bought a point and shoot digital camera, I believe it was a Canon A75. At the time it was great for what I needed, however soon enough I found it’s limitations. I wanted more control, I wanted to control depth of field and shutter speed. So on my first work term I purchased my first DSLR. The Canon EOS Digital Rebel XT. Originally I think I even bought the kit lens *shakes head*.

I read, read, practiced, practiced, experimented and read some more. I loved capturing nature and especially landscapes. I love to hike, so this was a excuse to do even more.

Soon enough, my female friends noticed my talent and wanted me photograph them. At first, I wanted nothing to do with it. I bought this camera for landscapes not women haha. Sooner or later, I did give in. After a couple shoots I knew I needed to learn a lot more, so back to more reading, practicing and experimenting.

After shooting a lot outside I wanted to try indoors. I purchased my first lighting kit off of eBay for $399. I believe it was a Smith and Victor or something like that. It was great, but due to being continuous light (tungsten 500 watt bulbs) things got hot very fast, both myself and the subject would sweat under the lights.

So the next step was to learn how to use strobes. But that story is for another day.

Model Animals

We often see female and male models in a studio setting, it has become a very large part of our advertising culture. 

For this series I wanted to put animals in that very setting we are so accustomed to seeing people in, all while still capturing their essence.

The Bashful Black Bear. The Stoic King Penguin. The Motionless Whooping Crane. The Towering Andean Condor. The Vibrant Gentoo Penguin.

They are, model animals.

NIK Software Feature

Thanks to Nik Software for the feature in the September 2012 Focus Newsletter.

If your interested in picking up your own copy of some of the best plugins for Adobe Photoshop with a 15% discount (will be applied in your cart automatically) click on the link

Through the Lens - Bill Nye

In this Through the Lens I had the opportunity to photograph Bill Nye The Science Guy for the SETI Institute. For most, Bill doesn’t need an introduction. He filled our Saturdays will learning, laughter, and fun. I can definitely say that Bill played a part in my curiosity towards the Sciences.

While chatting on our way to my portrait area, we talked about how technology is affecting the brain. He was exactly how I remember him on TV so many years ago. During the shoot I mentioned that I was also an Engineer and that I had worked with control systems. He immediately perked up and said “I’ve got something for you! Remind me after we’re done”. I was curious like a child again! When we wrapped up the session, he grabbed his laptop and placed it on the table nearby. Without grabbing a chair he kneeled down to get to eye level with his laptop. He then began to explain how he had just been at a conference and someone (I apologize for forgetting his name) had revisited how control loops should be done. It was just a simple change that made increased efficiency of the system. I stepped back and had a fan boyish moment where I realized I was getting a personal Saturday Bill Nye The Science Guy lesson!

Bill is a genuine Educator. He does what he does, because of his passion for Science and sharing knowledge. We can all learn a little from that.

Through the Lens - Robert Picardo

Robert Picardo

In this through the lens I present Robert Picardo of Star Trek Voyager. I had the opportunity to photograph Robert at SETIcon in California last week.

He entered Yale University as a pre-med student, not knowing that he would someday portray doctors in three separate productions: first as Dr. Dick Richard on the ABC series “China Beach, “then as Dr. McCaskill in the theater production “In The Waiting Room” at the Mark Taper Forum, and now as The Doctor on “Star Trek: Voyager.”

It’s always a pleasure to photograph actors. Often if you can create a scene and describe it, they have no problems putting themselves in it, which makes my job almost too easy.

Make sure to jump on over to twitter and say hi to Robert @robertpicardo.

Robert Picardo